indo gargaar

Dr. Abdirahman Ali Mohamed


Director, IGMCC

Educational background

  • 1981-1985 Somali National University "Faculty of Medicine".
  • Laurea of Medicine and Surgery

Professional experience:

  • Physiology lecturer, Gynecology and Obstetrics lecturer, Intern instructor at HARGEISA UNIVERSITY(2006-2009).
  • Hargeisa regional medical officer(Coordinate and implement all activities of the public health in maroodijeex region).
  • HIV/AIDs and STDs, Regional focal person(2001-2002)
    • Establishment of sentinel sites
    • Data collection
    • Drug supply
  • Consultant of Obstetric and Gynecology
    • Perform Cesarean section and other gynecological surgery
    • Ward round
  • Facilitator
    • Training midwives for reversible contraceptives in Hargeisa supported by CARE International.
    • Training Doctors from regions for Emergency Obstetric Care supported by WHO.
    • Training midwives for management of Emergency Obstetric Care and Reversible Contraceptive Methods
  • Director of Hargeisa group hospital(1999-2001)
    • Implemented Cost Recovery system in the Hospital.
    • Developed Protocols of patient care
    • Establishment of Health information system and financial reporting.
    • Implementation of Save Motherhood project in the maternity ward.
  • Facilitator
    • Training midwives from MCH's and Maternity ward of Emergency Obstetric Care supported by CARE International.
    • Training Doctors and midwives from Somalia and Somaliland.
  • Anti-FGM focal person(1997-1999)
    • Planning, implementing and evaluating.
    • Establishment of committees; national, technical and regional
    • Development of terms of reference of the different committees
    • Organizing and conducting trainings of health negative impacts of FGM practices
  • Medical Coordinater(1995-1997, MSF(Holland))
    • Establishment of MCHs in displaced villages.
    • Drug and medical supplies
    • Supervision and reporting
  • Head of Department Obstetric & Gynecology(1991-1994)
    • Perform ward activities.


  • February 2001;Financial management, Supported by CARE International
  • August 1999;Emergency obstetric Care Supported by CARE International
  • September 1997; Communication for change Supported by UNICEF
  • June 1997;Standardization Course Supported by WHO