Cardiac care from the experts

Healthcare is changing rapidly and we have aligned our vision in such a way that we can outgrow with it. Our hospital performs all our duties based on core values like innovation, compassion and integrity.

Our approach is to ensure that our healthcare services reach the people who are most needy . This includes providing tailored solutions to cardiac patients at affordable rates.

  • World-leading cardiologists and cardiac surgeons
  • The latest diagnostic technology
  • Working together in hand-picked teams
  • Clinical nurse specialists, dedicated to each field of cardiology
  • The full range of paediatric and adult care

Adult Cardiology

We have comprehensive cardiac care department of world class standards that helps in the prevention and management of a wide range of coronary and non coronary ailments. We are also experts in the early detection of heart problems using the most sophisticated procedures. Our hospital houses the most modern and advanced procedures and equipments that helps the patients with reliable and quick results.

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Heart Failure Clinic

Heart failure problems needs to be taken care of comprehensively. A healthy heart is very important for a healthy life. We have trained cardiologists who can diagnose and treat your heart failure problems with the help of the latest technology equipment's effectively. This helps you make wise decisions when it comes to lifestyle changes or surgery. You will always be cared in the best possible way. Get your happy life back with our comprehensive cardiac care.

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Preventive Cardiology

Prevention is better than cure. This stands true for heart problems too. Even though genetics and lifestyle plays an important role in determining the health of your heart, there are so many things that doctors can do to reduce the risk factors associated with it. Our doctors help you with preventive measures that can be taken for maintaining a healthy heart and also recover from heart problems if you have any.

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Pediatric Cardiology

We care for your child's heart. Our doctors do everything possible to keep your child's healthy and happy. Our cardiologists work hand in hand with pediatricians to provide the most comprehensive care for your kids.

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